Following earlier reports and recommendations made by the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (IASC), previously analysed by Southwell & Partners, the IASC has commissioned a further follow up report by the Temporary Detective Inspector Kieran Backhouse addressing modern slavery in the finance sector.

The newly published report describes some of the practical barriers to a greater use of financial investigation in support of modern slavery. The report defines the crimes of modern slavery and human trafficking as ‘economic crimes with vulnerable people as the commodity’ and concludes that financial investigations are therefore a key capability for law enforcement.

The report explores the following themes:

  • Implementation of the recommendations made in the previous report;
  • Exploration of the barriers limiting best use of financial investigation in relation to modern slavery; and
  • Opportunities to improve how law enforcement and the private sector approach financial investigation and modern slavery

The report also makes practical recommendations which the IASC describes as ‘largely tactical’ and ‘low cost’ but states that they ‘could make a great difference’.

For the full report and the list of recommendations, please see the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s website.