June 2024

The Home Office has published its report evaluating a scheme piloting local decision making on children’s status as victims of human trafficking.

The pilot, launched in June 2021, sought to test whether decision making would be more appropriate if done by local authorities, rather than central government. Prior to the pilot, this decision was made by Home Office officials. It was launched initially across 10 local authorities, before a further 10 were added in April 2023.

Describing the purpose of the pilot, the Home Office stated that it would “enable decisions…to be made by those involved in [the child’s] care” as well as with local law enforcement. Following the publishing of the report, the charity Every Child Protected Against Trafficking (‘ECPAT’) has stated that the pilot confirms that devolved decision making is the right step. It will ensure “timely decisions, improved multi-agency working, and increased awareness at the local level of the NRM process.”

Southwell & Partners specializes in representing child victims of trafficking. For further information contact us at info@southwellandpartners.com