On 25 April 2024, the Rwanda Bill, Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Act 2024, officially became law.

The Rwanda Treaty and Bill do not comply with the UK’s international legal duties towards victims of modern slavery. Philippa Southwell our managing director was recently  interviewed on this topic by NW Londoner.

17,004 prospective victims were referred to the NRM (National Referral Mechanism) in the UK last year, which is the highest amount of referrals since the NRM’s founding. Due to these high number in referrals, it takes far longer than the 45-day guidance for a conclusive grounds decision to be made. Victims often have to wait for up to a year until they receive their decisions.

Delays of this nature can mean that some victims would be sent to Rwanda prior to even being referred into the NRM or their status as victims of trafficking is even acknowledged.

Traffickers frequently take advantage of those who are already vulnerable and at a disadvantage, such as those escaping persecution or conflict.

The new Prime Minister Keir Starmer has announced in July 2024, that he will abandon the proposal to transport thousands of refugees from Britain to Rwanda.